KEZIAH WANGECHI: impossibile la speranza?
Da dove cominciamo?
Cominciamo da un pomeriggio di fine estate
2011 quando don Mariano Dal Ponte mi sottopose un foglio di carta con soprascritta
a penna una cifra: 3 punto 2 milioni di KSH
(scellini del Kenya) equivalenti a 32.000 euro.
Perché quella cifra?
Quella era la cifra prevista per il
trattamento terapeutico (non definito o specificato) al quale Keziah
doveva sottoporsi in India (in una località anch’essa non derifnita) a
seguito di una diagnosi di anemia aplastica formulata all’Aga Khan Hospital di
Nairobi, capitale del Kenya, a seguito di un puntato midollare a cui Keziah era
stata sottoposta il 29.04.2010 .
La prima reazione è stata quella di un
profondo respiro, dopodichè, con pochi indugi, ho pensato di rivolgermi alla
Clinica di Oncoematologia Pediatrica dell’Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova.
Oltre all’esito del puntato midollare, don
Mariano era in possesso dei risultati di soli due esami emocromocitometrici e
dello schema di terapia farmacologia che era stata prescritta.
Dopo il primo contatto avuto con la
dott.ssa Putti, abbiamo ricevuto la lettera (datata 20.11.2011) di
disponibilità per accogliere Keziah allo scopo della rivalutazione della
diagnosi e per la programmazione del successivo trattamento terapeutico che,
con molta probabilità, sarebbe stato il trapianto di midollo osseo.
Questo importante documento è servito
successivamente per presentare una richiesta di contributo economico alla
Regione Veneto, ciò in base alla deliberazione regionale n°1021 del 12.07.2011.
Purtroppo l’esito non è stato positivo in
quanto, al momento della presentazione della domanda, i fondi previsti erano
già esauriti.
Superata sia la fase di euforia (legata all’aspetto umanitario
di aiutare Keziah) che di scoramento
per la risposta negativa dalla Regione Veneto, di comune accordo è stato deciso
di impegnarci per continuare a tener viva almeno una speranza di
guarigione per la bambina.
Particolare di essenziale importanza è l’aspetto
economico a cui può ammontare il probabile
trattamento terapeutico individuato nel trapianto di midollo.
La cifra riportata nel blog appare come un
muro quasi insormontabile: ma perché arrendersi subito di fronte all’evidenza?
Un altro aspetto non secondario è il
fattore temporale: prima si arriva alla diagnosi e al suo specifico
trattamento, più si riduce il rischio di complicazioni (collegate alla
malattia) che potrebbero risultare fatali.
Comunque sia, il passo successivo è stato
fatto tra febbraio e marzo 2012.
Approfittando della mia annuale presenza in
Kenya (presso il North Kinangop Catholic Hospital e il Catholic Dispensary of
Nyahururu) e della contemporanea presenza (assolutamente casuale) di una
Pediatra (dott.ssa Vania Piovan) sono stati eseguiti degli accertamenti sanitari
(visita medica e prelievi di sangue) su Keziah.
Prima di descriverli nella loro
essenzialità, mi preme sottolineare che sono stati fonte di momenti di rara
umanità: essere accolti nella sua abitazione, nella maniera che abbiamo vissuto,
è stata una esperienza unica nel suo genere.
Don Mariano e don Sandro ci hanno
accompagnati a casa della famiglia di Keziah la mattina del 29 febbraio. In
quell’occasione è stata redatta sia la scheda anamnestico-familiare che
eseguita la visita della bambina da parte della Pediatra.
Nel corso della raccolta dei dati è emerso
che in passato una sorella di Keziah era mancata alla vita probabilmente per la
stessa patologia. Episodio non trascurabile ai fini della diagnosi finale.
Nella stessa mattinata sono stati programmati
anche i prelievi di sangue per tutta la famiglia (papà e mamma, Keziah con i
tre fratelli) che ho eseguito sabato 03 marzo, giorno del mio rientro in
Italia, c/o il dispensario di Nyahururu.
Ciò per effettuare a Padova la tipizzazione
HLA e quindi di verificare la presenza di un possibile donatore compatibile con
Keziah tra i suoi familiari.
Il risultato di queste analisi non ha dato
esito positivo: purtroppo alcun familiare è risultato compatibile.
Ciò non significa compromissione dell’eventuale trapianto ma rende però
necessaria la ricerca di un donatore di midollo osseo nell’archivio dati
La compatibilità di un genitore o di un
fratello avrebbe permesso il risparmio di una consistente parte del costo
totale (riferito nel blog) del trattamento terapeutico previsto.
Avendo sempre presente l’ammontare
dell’impegno economico e in seguito ad un incontro avuto in Oncoematologia
Pediatrica con la prof.ssa Messina il 6 di aprile, è stato deciso di arrivare a confermare o meno la diagnosi di
anemia aplastica eseguita in Kenya. Infatti, altre situazioni patologiche di
tipo ematologico possono presentare la sintomatologia e le note cliniche di
Abbiamo ricevuto il preventivo di spesa
relativo alla conferma diagnostica e all’indicazione del periodo di degenza e/o
di permanenza a Padova che Keziah dovrà fare.
Don Mariano ha già dato avvio, presso
l’Ambasciata Italiana a Nairobi, alle procedure per ottenere il visto di
ingresso in Italia per Keziah e sua mamma.
“Famiglie Insieme” – Onlus - di Breganze (VI), si è resa disponibile, sin da
subito, a sostenere l’iniziativa, facendosi carico degli aspetti
burocratici/logistici, garantendo i contatti istituzionali con gli enti
interessati e avviando poi, assieme, il progetto: “Karibuna Keziah – Vicini a Keziah” – Aggiungi il tuo “anello” alla
nostra “catena di solidarietà”, affinché il nostro sogno diventi realtà e
si possa dare a Keziah un’opportunità di vita normale.
Questa è la situazione relativa a Keziah
alla data odierna.
Lucio Marchioro
Padova, 29 maggio 2012
After the first contact with Dr. Putti, we received the letter written on 20/11/2011 telling us that the hospital accepted to re-evaluate Keziah’s diagnosis and therapeutic planning for a subsequent treatment, that was likely to be the bone marrow transplantation.
This important document has been useful to ask the Veneto region for financial help, according to the Resolution No. 1021 of 12.07.2011.
Unfortunately the outcome was not good, because at the time of the application the funds provided were already sold out.
After passing both the phase of euphoria (linked to the humanitarian help for Keziah) and that of discouragement for the negative response from the Veneto Region, by mutual agreement it was decided to commit ourselves to continue to keep alive at least a hope of healing for the child.
Particularly important is the economic aspect which may refer to the therapeutic treatment identified in bone marrow transplant.
The figure quoted in the blog seems to be a wall that it is impossible to overcome, but why give up quickly in front of bad reality?
Keziah Wangechi: is hope impossible?
Where do we start from?
We begin with an afternoon in the late summer 2011 when Don Mariano Dal Ponte gave me a sheet of paper with a number written on it:: 3,2 million KSH (Kenya Shillings), that is about 32,000 Euros.
What did that mean?
That was the sum required for an unspecified treatment Keziah had to undergo in an unspecified place in India after a diagnosis of aplastic anemia formulated at the Aga Khan Hospital in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, after a bone marrow analysis to which Keziah had been subjected on the 29.04.2010.
The first reaction was a deep breath; afterwards, with little hesitation, I decided to address the Clinic of Pediatric Oncology Hospital of Padua.
Besides the outcome of the bone marrow analysis, Don Mariano was in possession of the results of only two blood controls the schedule of the therapy that was prescribed.
Where do we start from?
We begin with an afternoon in the late summer 2011 when Don Mariano Dal Ponte gave me a sheet of paper with a number written on it:: 3,2 million KSH (Kenya Shillings), that is about 32,000 Euros.
What did that mean?
That was the sum required for an unspecified treatment Keziah had to undergo in an unspecified place in India after a diagnosis of aplastic anemia formulated at the Aga Khan Hospital in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, after a bone marrow analysis to which Keziah had been subjected on the 29.04.2010.
The first reaction was a deep breath; afterwards, with little hesitation, I decided to address the Clinic of Pediatric Oncology Hospital of Padua.
Besides the outcome of the bone marrow analysis, Don Mariano was in possession of the results of only two blood controls the schedule of the therapy that was prescribed.
After the first contact with Dr. Putti, we received the letter written on 20/11/2011 telling us that the hospital accepted to re-evaluate Keziah’s diagnosis and therapeutic planning for a subsequent treatment, that was likely to be the bone marrow transplantation.
This important document has been useful to ask the Veneto region for financial help, according to the Resolution No. 1021 of 12.07.2011.
Unfortunately the outcome was not good, because at the time of the application the funds provided were already sold out.
After passing both the phase of euphoria (linked to the humanitarian help for Keziah) and that of discouragement for the negative response from the Veneto Region, by mutual agreement it was decided to commit ourselves to continue to keep alive at least a hope of healing for the child.
Particularly important is the economic aspect which may refer to the therapeutic treatment identified in bone marrow transplant.
The figure quoted in the blog seems to be a wall that it is impossible to overcome, but why give up quickly in front of bad reality?
Another important aspect is time: the
quickest is the diagnosis and its specific treatment, the more you reduce the
risk of complications (related to the disease) that could be fatal.
However, the next step was done between February and March 2012.
Taking advantage of my year in Kenya (at North Kinangop Catholic Hospital and Dispensary of Nyahururu Catholic) and the fortunate simultaneous presence of a pediatrician (Dr. Vania Piovan) we performed the medical examination for Keziah.
Before describing them in their simplicity, let me underline that there were rare moments of humanity in the situation: to be welcomed into her home and the way they lived was a unique experience.
Don Mariano and Don Sandro drove us to Keziah's family home on the morning of Feb. 29. At that time the documents were filled in and an anamnestic family history was made by the pediatrician.
During the data collection we discovered that in the past Keziah’s sister probably died of the same disease. The episode Is extremely important for the final diagnosis.
On the same morning were also scheduled blood draws for the whole family (father and mother, Keziah with the three brothers) that I made on Saturday, March 3rd, the day of my return to Italy, at the dispensary of Nyahururu.
That was necessary to do in Padua HLA typing and then check for a possible donor with Keziah among his family.
The result of this analysis has not been positive, unfortunately no family member was compatible.
This does not mean that a transplantation is impossible, however it is necessary to search for a bone marrow donor in the world data archives.
The compatibility of a parent or a brother would have allowed the saving of a substantial part of total costs (reported in the blog) of the provided treatment.
Considering the amount of the financial burden and after a meeting with the Professor in Pediatric Oncology dr. Messina on April 6, it was decided whether to confirm or not the diagnosis of aplastic anemia done in Kenya. In fact, other pathological conditions can have the same symptoms and clinical notes of Keziah.
We received a cost estimate on the diagnostic confirmation and indication of the length of stay in Padua that Keziah has to do.
Don Mariano has already begun to ask for the visa to enter Italy for Keziah and her mum at the Italian Embassy in Nairobi.
However, the next step was done between February and March 2012.
Taking advantage of my year in Kenya (at North Kinangop Catholic Hospital and Dispensary of Nyahururu Catholic) and the fortunate simultaneous presence of a pediatrician (Dr. Vania Piovan) we performed the medical examination for Keziah.
Before describing them in their simplicity, let me underline that there were rare moments of humanity in the situation: to be welcomed into her home and the way they lived was a unique experience.
Don Mariano and Don Sandro drove us to Keziah's family home on the morning of Feb. 29. At that time the documents were filled in and an anamnestic family history was made by the pediatrician.
During the data collection we discovered that in the past Keziah’s sister probably died of the same disease. The episode Is extremely important for the final diagnosis.
On the same morning were also scheduled blood draws for the whole family (father and mother, Keziah with the three brothers) that I made on Saturday, March 3rd, the day of my return to Italy, at the dispensary of Nyahururu.
That was necessary to do in Padua HLA typing and then check for a possible donor with Keziah among his family.
The result of this analysis has not been positive, unfortunately no family member was compatible.
This does not mean that a transplantation is impossible, however it is necessary to search for a bone marrow donor in the world data archives.
The compatibility of a parent or a brother would have allowed the saving of a substantial part of total costs (reported in the blog) of the provided treatment.
Considering the amount of the financial burden and after a meeting with the Professor in Pediatric Oncology dr. Messina on April 6, it was decided whether to confirm or not the diagnosis of aplastic anemia done in Kenya. In fact, other pathological conditions can have the same symptoms and clinical notes of Keziah.
We received a cost estimate on the diagnostic confirmation and indication of the length of stay in Padua that Keziah has to do.
Don Mariano has already begun to ask for the visa to enter Italy for Keziah and her mum at the Italian Embassy in Nairobi.
The Association "Families
Together" - Organization - Breganze (VI), has immediately decided to
support the initiative, taking on aspects of the bureaucratic / logistic
difficulties, ensuring institutional contacts with relevant authorities and
then starting together the project: "Keziah Karibuna - Close to
Keziah" - Add your "ring" to our "chain of
solidarity", so that our dreams become reality and we can give an
opportunity of normal life to Keziah.
This is the situation of Keziah at this date.
Dr. Lucio Marchioro
Padova, 29 May 2012
This is the situation of Keziah at this date.
Dr. Lucio Marchioro
Padova, 29 May 2012
la strada verso Keziah
l'accoglienza in casa di Keziah
raccolta e l’osservazione dei risultati degli esami di laboratorio
speranza di Keziah
viene visitata
la loro
per i prelievi di sangue al Nhyahururu Dispensary
il prelievo di Keziah
a presto!
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