Carissimi amici,
con gioia abbiamo visto che anche in Italia
la raccolta per Keziah e' gia' iniziata
e sembra crescere di giorno in giorno. Grazie
a tutti di cuore, anche a coloro che non
conosciamo. Questo metterci insieme e' la
nostra forza.
Qui in Kenya tutto questo si chaima
il poco di molti puo' diventare davvero
In questo sforzo anche la famiglia di Keziah
ha invitato amici e conoscenti a dare il loro contributo.
E' quindi un motivo di grande speranza poter
condividere che sono stati raccolti 5.000 euro,
(piu' di 500,000 Scellini Keniani) dalla
gente del posto.
Questa somma e' gia' stata versata nel conto
c/c 300300 a favore di Keziah.
Questo e' uno stimolo per tutti noi a
continuare nel cammino intrapreso.
Pole pole ndiyo mwendo.... Piano piano si
Ciao e alla prossima
Fr. Sandro e fr. Mariano
Dear friends,
we are happy to see that the money collection in favor of Keziah has already started in Italy too and seems to grow day by day. We really would like to say thanks to everybody, included those we don’t know directly. Our strength is exactly this kind of common effort. Here in Kenya this is called "Harambee". Even if we don’t’ have much, it can grow enormously if we put it together.
The family of Keziah has also invited friends and other people to give their contribution.
And therefore it’s a sign of great hope to communicate that € 5,000 have been collected by the local people up to now (more than 500,000 Kenyan Shillings).
This sum is already on the account “c / c 300300” in favor of Keziah.
All this encourages us to go on on the road we are walking on.
Pole pole ndiyo mwendo .... Step by step we reach the goal.
Sandro and Marian
we are happy to see that the money collection in favor of Keziah has already started in Italy too and seems to grow day by day. We really would like to say thanks to everybody, included those we don’t know directly. Our strength is exactly this kind of common effort. Here in Kenya this is called "Harambee". Even if we don’t’ have much, it can grow enormously if we put it together.
The family of Keziah has also invited friends and other people to give their contribution.
And therefore it’s a sign of great hope to communicate that € 5,000 have been collected by the local people up to now (more than 500,000 Kenyan Shillings).
This sum is already on the account “c / c 300300” in favor of Keziah.
All this encourages us to go on on the road we are walking on.
Pole pole ndiyo mwendo .... Step by step we reach the goal.
Sandro and Marian
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